A Path For You....
In the heart of the Ozarks
Welcome to the Orange Suitcase!
We are a fully stocked, metaphysical supply store located in Lebanon, MO. With a very eclectic staff and supply in house, we have just about everything you need whether you're seasoned or just learning. If we don't have something, just ask. Our staff is friendly, and our suppliers are vast. We are happy to hunt it down for you if we can. Our goal, more than anything, is to provide a safe haven, with the supplies YOU need.
When you walk in our store, you will immediately feel a sense of safety and belonging and we hope to be around for a long time to continue to provide that for you.
Visit our About page to learn a bit more of our history and how we came to be here. Come in and see us, and spend some time soaking up the energy inside
The Orange Suitcase.....
...Just look for the Purple Door...